I have three 2.5" 500GB 7200rpm laptop hard drives. All are Seagate Laptop Thin
HDD 500GB model ST500LM021. Brand new, PC formatted. Pulled from a Dell laptop
that immediately received an SSD. $40 shipped each or three for $90.
Chris Stierman
La Crosse, WI 54501
You received this message be
I have three 2.5" 500GB 7200rpm laptop hard drives. All are Seagate Laptop Thin
HDD 500GB model ST500LM021. Brand new, PC formatted. Pulled from a Dell laptop
that immediately received an SSD. $40 shipped each or $110 shipped for all 3.
Chris Stierman
La Crosse, WI 54501
You received this m
I have five 2.5" 500GB 7200rpm laptop hard drives. All are Seagate Laptop Thin
HDD 500GB model ST500LM021. Brand new, PC formatted. Pulled from a Dell laptop
that immediately received an SSD. $40 shipped each or $155 shipped for all 5.
Chris StiermanLa Crosse, WI 54501
You received this mes