I upgraded to 3G a couple weeks ago, so I now have my old one laying
around collecting dust. This has lived in a case the entire time I've
owned it, so it's in mint condition. Never dropped, no water damage,
works flawlessly. It currently has iPhone OS 2.1 on it, but I can load
it with 2.2 if you so wish. Here's everything that'll be included:

8GB iPhone
iPhone headphones
USB cable
USB charger
Agent18 hard case (black)
Headphone adapter (I don't remember the brand offhand, but it was
purchased at an Apple Store)
Screen protector; already on the screen (http://

The phone will come in its original packaging. Under warrantee until
February 2009 - AppleCare can be purchased for it up until then as
well to extend the warrantee for another year.

Asking $375 shipped. Would also entertain offers for an iPod touch as
well, preferably a 16GB 2nd gen model.

Jack Curry
Irvine, CA 92606
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