Have 4 few shirts to sell.
1 was worn, 3 others were not.

#1 - XL American Apparel Apple retail store, long sleeve
red shirt, white ink. 100% cotton.
front: genius logo with ornament hook (small, centered)
back: Tech the halls. (small, centered)
very soft; worn/laundered.
$20 shipped.

#2 - XL Hanes Beefy-T Apple promo, short sleeve
white shirt, black ink. 100% cotton.
front: black apple logo, Learn to speak digital.
back: Apple logo, Make a movie, burn a CD, create a photo album.
never worn.
$15 shipped.

#3 - XL Hanes Beefy-T Dealmac promo, short sleeve
black shirt, white & gray ink. 100% cotton.
front: dealmac cursor logo, dealmac underneath (small, upper left
back: dealmac cursor logo, dealmac underneath (large, centered)
"When you care enough to spend the very least." & URL (smaller text,
never worn.
$10 shipped.

#4 - XL Hanes Beefy-T Dealmac promo, short sleeve
white shirt, black & burgundy ink. 100% cotton.
front: dealmac, "Because hot deals are hot news" underneath (small,
upper left chest)
back: "When you care enough to spend the very least." & URL (large,
never worn.
$10 shipped.

Dave Garton
Alburtis, PA 18011

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