The stock DVD player(reader only, it just has a stubburn ejector)
The stock 1.5 GByte of RAM (on 3 modules)
A 37 Gbyte WD HARD DRIVE with the quiet fluid bearing.
The stock VIDEO CARD (32 Mbyte Vram and ADC connector)
Also the stock 15 inch clear CINEMA DISPLAY with ADC connector.
Dual cooling FANS (bottom fan,and top fan)
The stock external POWER SUPPLY.
I never had the original clear sphere audio SPEAKERS,it 
has always had a trio set with L,R and a subwoofer.made by
I think that I was about only the second owner when I 
bought it back in 2003.
I use it with OS 10.4, but have never used it very much, and it has been
 ALL WORKING GOOD - since I bought it. 
I have a 22 inch clear Cinema LCD, (except that when I tried to
reassemble it one day I accidentally cracked the LCD at the bottom),
however it kept working across the crack and is not very visible.
-- if you prefer that I will send it instead of the 15" LCD.
I am asking only $170.00 for all three.(Cube,audio,and 1 monitor).
email me:
Paul  A.Shah
104 E.Sierra Ave.no.31
Fresno,CA. 93710

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