I've got some vintage Mac cables and a mouse for sale.  Here are details 
and prices:

Apple Desktop Bus Mouse II - dirty but in good condition otherwise. 
 Includes original box w/ writing in pen and permanent marker. $5

Two Apple Plaintalk Microphones - one is yellow.  $2 for the yellow one, $4 
for the non-yellow one. $5 for both.

Apple Microphone Cable (has a microphone image on each end) - $2

Apple Speaker Cable (has a speaker image on each end) - $2

Apple 8-Pin DIN Printer Cable - $2

Will sell the entire lot for $13 ($3 discount over above prices).  Will 
also consider offers, but everything is pretty cheap already and I will be 
just about breaking even after PayPal fees.

Prices do not include shipping.  Shipping will be via USPS First Class for 
packages under 13oz and Priority Mail for packages above 13oz.

Alex Kampe
Floyd, VA 24091

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