Apple Final Cut Pro Studio 5.1 (Academic)
Everything is here except original box ...

Bit off the web>>>>

Apple Ships Final Cut Studio 5.1

First Universal Version Runs Up to 2.5x Faster on MacBook Pro

CUPERTINO, California—March 30, 2006—Apple® is now shipping the first Universal version of its Final Cut® Studio video production suite that delivers up to 2.5x the performance when running on a MacBook™ Pro* notebook computer. Final Cut Studio features state-of-the-art tools that complement Final Cut Pro 5 including Soundtrack® Pro, a revolutionary audio editing and sound design application that makes video projects sound as good as they look; Motion 2, the world’s first real-time motion graphics application with GPU accelerated 32- bit float rendering; and DVD Studio Pro 4 for professional DVD authoring.

“Final Cut Studio continues to set the standard in the new era of HD production,” said Rob Schoeben, Apple’s vice president of Applications Marketing. “Now with the incredible performance of Final Cut Studio on a MacBook Pro, customers can work more efficiently wherever they are.”

Installation DVD's - Serial Number - A bunch of Books

$150.00 OBO shipped from:

Whitney Texas 76692

Rob Spivey
"We don't see the world as it is.  We see it as we are." -Anais Nin

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