I have several apple IIe computers for sale each for $45 plus shipping
I have cleaned them up the best I can and will test every key. (does
not include power cable or any other accessories or cards)

I have various parts for the IIe computers (ones without the numeric
pad) Please let me know if you have any special requests.

I also have a Hayes Micromodem II in the box (very beat up box) with
original Styrofoam container missing manual and software. $40 plus

Last is a Mountain computer CPS multifunction card in box (some wear
at the top and bottom) with manual (it is missing the empty ic socket
that connects to the included wire connector that goes from the card
to it.) Software is available online for this as well since no disks
are included.  $75 plus shipping

I will send pictures upon request and I accept paypal
ebay id: gtgeba
Patrick Garber
Omaha, NE 68131

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