Up for sale:

A nice iBook G3/500 "late 2001" model. (white, dual-USB, 1st revision
after white case redesign)
Includes Apple AC charger adapter.
Replaced dead 15 GB hard drive with a newer, faster 5400 RPM 40 GB
Hitachi Travelstar.
Battery holds a short charge, maybe 15 minutes using wireless. Charges
fully, 140 cycles.
12" display is bright & even, hinges very tight.
Case plastics in nice shape, very few minor & nearly invisible marks.
Clean keyboard.
All 3 rubber feet intact on bottom case; battery only missing foot.
Includes genuine Apple AirPort card, installed & tested working.
Added 256 MB RAM to built-in for a total of 384 MB. (this revision
bumped the soldered RAM to 128 MB)
Can swap the 256 for a 512 MB so-dimm for $30 more. (max RAM to 640
OS restore/install discs if I can locate them. Otherwise OEM 10.2
install discs will be included if desired.

Asking $130 + shipping for this budget yet capable notebook. (Airport
card alone is worth $30+)
Would consider trade for a FireWire-capable 1 TB external hard drive.
Will also be listing this on my local Craiglist, so act fast if you're
interested. Email for photo links.
SystemProfiler/About/Coconut battery screen caps at 

Dave Garton
Alburtis, PA 18011
heatware & ebay feedback : davedecay

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