I have a pair, two (2) for sale:
Apple iMac G3/600 (Summer 2001) SNOW that I restored/refurbished last year. 
I upgraded RAM to 512MB in one and 384MB in the other. I am not the 
original owner as I got them from a nearby school that was upgrading their 
lab. They both run OS9 beautifully. If you prefer you can install OS X 10.2 
Jaguar and then they can run both and you will have a dual boot capability. 
Some people have installed OS X 10.3 Panther but performance takes a hit. 
Both these Macs are CD only. If you want to upgrade to OS X 10.4 Tiger, you 
will need an external DVD drive; however, I don't recommend it. The beauty 
of these Macs lies in their ability to run a wealth of educational software 
originally designed for OS 9 and earlier.

I believe these are the correct specs:

I do not have shipping cartons. Powercords will be included along with a 
keyboard and mouse.

Externally the cases are in good to excellent condition. The keyboards and 
mouse are fair condition at best but work fine. 

I am asking $150 or Best Offer for both. No shipping on these two. I will 
arrange for a local pick up. I am less than an hours drive from Baltimore 
or Washington, DC in southern Frederick County, Maryland. For $50 
additional, I will deliver to you if you are within 100 miles of Frederick, 

Bob Esposito
Adamstown, MD 21710

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