NEC burner in an ADS external firewire case. Firewire 400 only.  The burner
specs are below.

$48 shipped with tracking from West Bloomfield, MI 48322

Contact off list with any questions.

Paypal is fine

Model:    _NEC    DVD+RW ND-1100A Where:    FireWire Firmware:    1.A0 /
MMC-3 Cache Size:    2 MB CD/DVD Drive Capabilities and Status Page
DVD-RAM Read    No DVD-R Read    Yes DVD-ROM Read    Yes Method 2    Yes
CD-RW Read    Yes CD-R Read    Yes DVD-RAM Write    No DVD-R Write    No
Test Write    Yes CD-R/RW Write    Yes CD-R Write    Yes BUF    Yes Multi
Session    Yes Mode 2 Form 2    Yes Mode 2 Form 1    Yes Digital Port (2)
No Digital Port (1)    No Composite    No Audio Play    Yes Read Bar Code
No UPC    Yes ISRC    Yes C2 Pointers supported    Yes R-W De-interleaved &
corrected    No R-W Supported    Yes CD-DA Stream is Accurate    Yes CD-DA
Cmds Supported    Yes Eject (Individual or Magazine)    Yes Prevent Jumper
No Lock State    No Lock    Yes R-W in Lead-in    Yes Side Change Capable
No S/W Slot Selection (SSS)    No Changer Supports Disc Present    No
Separate Channel Mute    Yes Separate volume levels    Yes LSBF    No RCK
No BCK    No Length    32 Loading Mechanism Type    Tray Number of Volume
Levels Supported    256 Buffer Size Supported    2 MB Features    Current
Profile    Unknown (0000H) Profile List    DVD+R    DVD+RW    DVD-ROM
CD-RW    CD-R    CD-ROM    Morphing    Persistent Removable Medium
Persistent Random Readable    Supported Multi-Read    Supported CD Read
Supported Random Writable    Supported Incremental Streaming Write
Supported Sector Erasable    Supported Restricted Overwrite    Supported
DVD+RW    Supported DVD+R    Supported CD Track at Once    Supported CD
Mastering    Supported TSR    Supported Power Management    Persistent CD
Audio analog play    Supported DVD-CSS    Supported Real Time Streaming
Supported Media serial number    Supported Disc Control Blocks    Supported

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