I am parting ways with my trust Dual 1.8Ghz Powermac G5 with 3 GB of RAM. 

I've used this machine for many years and I was going to re-purpose it for 
a new project but alas, I do not have the time nor the space to do it.. so 
I really want it to go to a new home. I have thoroughly cleaned the machine 
inside and out and ensured the machine does in fact boot up and run.. I was 
using it as a media center previously. 

I cannot find the original install discs for this machine, so to comply 
fully with the lists rules I will NOT be including a hard drive or an OS 
installed on this machine. It also does not include a keyboard or a mouse 
but works with any old USB keyboard and mouse. 

According to everymac.com, the latest OS X you can purchase for this 
machine is 10.5 but I know a variety of linux/bsd OS's will run on it.. if 
that's your thing :)

I am asking $100 for this plus shipping.. and since this thing is a 
behemoth, it will probably be at least $50 to ship. I will also ONLY accept 

I will only ship to the continental 48 US states.


Nick Allgood
Phoenix, AZ 85027

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