A 60 GB hard drive is installed. CD/DVD RW optical drive. This model was 
top of the line for 12-inch G4 Powerbooks.

I am the second owner of the laptop. I’ve had it for at least ten years, 
perhaps longer.

It boots into OS 9.2 and OS X 10.4.11. It can accommodate 10.5 but loses 
the ability to use OS 9.

The screen is very bright and easy on the eyes. The keyboard is still 
like-new clean and the case could be graded a 9.something out of 10.

It’s in perfect working order. The battery lasts beyond two hours. I just 
played a two hour DVD and had 22% charge remaining.

Two AC adapters with long cords are included. One of them is new. Both are 
clean as when new.

A few years ago I installed a new 60 GB hard drive and a new 1 GB PC2700 
ram card. The original drive is inside the aluminum external enclosure 
featuring a durable sleeve case. It still works fine. I just got a great 
deal on the 60 GB.

Included are two bare hard drives, 30 and 60 GB capacity. Both were pulls 
when upgrading customer laptops. Both work as they should.

The original base feet are still in place. I added the white feet in order 
to raise the base for better air circulation. The white feet can be easily 
removed. They are not glued in place. I used household Scotch double sided 
adhesive tape.

The carry case is firm-sided. It was a great find.

The original install discs are included.

Photo’s here:


Double click to enlarge.

Asking price is $160 which will include USPS Priority Mail shipping and 


Chuck LaFray

Ocean Shores, WA 98569

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