*I don’t have any pre-USB macs anymore, so keeping this stuff around makes 
zero sense.  All prices include shipping in the USA, so multiple items will 
receive a considerable discount.  Thanks for looking!

ADB Gravis Gamepad - Nintendo-ish game controller for ADB macs

Internal 4GB SCSI DAT tape drive - comes with faceplate for a WGS 9150, or 
could be used with a Quadra 950 if you removed the floppy drive.  Also 
comes with 19 used and 2 new tapes.

Macintosh HDI-20 external floppy drive and powerbook Duo floppy adapter

Early powerbook video adapter cable

Powerbook SCSI dock - the one without the cable

ADB Kensington Turbomouse trackball, 4 button version

2 sticks 168 pin 128mb ram

12 pieces 30 pin sims, probably all 1mb (not sure)

10base-T ethernet card for SE-30

Linksys 10/100 5 port switch

2 SCSI 1 (centronics) external terminators, 1 passive, 1 active

SCSI 1 female (centronics) to SCSI 2 male external SCSI adapter

SCSI 1 male-male (centronics) external cable

3 ~6 foot ADB extension cables

Beige Apple microphone - the style designed to sit on top of your monitor - 
new in bag!

3 different mac to VGA monitor adapters - one has 10 switches, one has one 
switch, one doesn’t have any switches

Steve Beswick
Ontario, California 91764

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