FS: Mac IIfx, MINT condition, in box.  It has stock RAM and hard
drive, which is 4MB/80MB.

This was a turnkey system customized by Loral Medical Imaging (now
part of Lockheed) back in the early 90s for a filmless radiology lab.
It never saw action however due to Clinton-era cuts, and sat in a
warehouse for ages. I've had it since 2006 when I replaced the battery
and made sure it worked. It's been turned on for maybe one hour, total
by me, and it was brand new before that except when Loral installed
some proprietary software on it. It kills me to have to sell this...
ugh. But I do not have space to store these anymore.


It comes in the original box with the original styrofoam and plastic
sheath for the CPU unit. The original mouse, power cable,
"programmer's switch," and shrink-wrapped manual are also present. It
has the date on which it was made written in permanent marker inside
the case. It is missing the original System 7 disks, although 7.1 is
already installed, and I am assuming most people who would buy this
already have a copy of that. If you need system disks, however, I
would be happy to include a copy of the 7.1 disks, since the computer
would have originally come with that. I may even have some original
7.1 disks somewhere that I could dig up. But it also boots System 6.

I am also including a free brand new, never opened Extended Keyboard
II with its own seperate box. I can also throw in a black 50-pin SCSI
terminator if you intend to use it with external SCSI devices.

As for the NuBus expansion slots, they are occupied by the following
* Asante MacCon NB with RJ-45 and DB15 jacks, supporting 10-Base/T;
* Radius PrecisionColor 8Xj graphics card, supporting QuickDraw-
accelerated graphics up to 1152x870 on 13" to 21" monitors with
standard Mac or BNC connectors (with included Mac to BNC cable);
* Loral Medical Imaging proprietary fiber-optic networking card;
* Loral Medical Imaging proprietary parallel interface card.

I am happy to provide eBay ID off-list for feedback verification (I
sold one other like this on eBay a couple years back). I have listed
it on this list before as well, but did not get any takers (that was a
year ago).

I am asking $900 for this item. That is including the NuBus cards and
everything else. I'd rather not split it up. This is a serious
collector's item, and priced accordingly. Thank you for any interest,
I'm happy to send further pics or answer any questions.

Jon Gilbert
Portland, OR 97202
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