Mac Mini, Bluetooth keyboard, Magic Mouse

Mac Mini (late 2009) Intel Core 2 Duo Intel 64 bit (discontinued June

According to coconutIdentityCard 2.4, this Mini was built between
September 7 and 13, 2009.

First owner purchased early 2010. First owner sold to upgrade to newer
Second owner purchased September 2010. Second owner upgraded to a
newer Mac system.

This Mini, last running OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard, has been trouble
free for the second owner.

The original system discs (Snow Leopard and iLife '09 with iPhoto,
iMovie, iDVD, iWeb, and GarageBand) are included in this sale.

Hardware Overview:

  Model Name:   Mac mini
  Model Identifier:     Macmini3,1
  Processor Name:       Intel Core 2 Duo
  Processor Speed:      2.53 GHz
  Number Of Processors: 1
  Total Number Of Cores:        2
  L2 Cache:     3 MB
  Memory:       4 GB
  Bus Speed:    1.07 GHz
  Boot ROM Version:     MM31.00AD.B00
  SMC Version (system): 1.35f1

Model number A1283

Order number MC239LL/A (2.53 GHz)

320 GB hard drive (5400 rpm)

Super Drive 8x slot-loading DVD and CD

Mac Mini: $475.00 plus $15.00 shipping

Bluetooth keyboard: $50.00 plus $10.00 shipping

Magic Mouse: $40.00 plus $5.00 shipping

Package deal: Mini, Bluetooth keyboard, and Magic Mouse: $525.00

Package deal shipping: $25.00

PayPal or USPS money order okay.

Gordon Brown
Boulder, Colorado

eBay ID: divadeco

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