I have been using this Mac Mini for roughly the past 12 months. Second owner.

It is the “standard” configuration of this model with the 2.5 i5 processor and 
500 GB HDD, but has been upgraded with 16 GB of G. Skill Ripjaws PC3-12800 and 
loaded a fresh copy of OS X Yosemite.

Just ran Apple Hardware Test extended version on a loop for 48 hours 
continuously, no problems. Has been stable for me as well with daily use.

Cosmetically in good shape, the usual scuffs to the base but no other 
significant markings to speak of.

I have Heatware ratings although i haven’t traded on BBSes in years: 
https://heatware.com/eval.php?id=1357 <https://heatware.com/eval.php?id=1357>. 
eBay available upon request.

$475 shipped, or best offer. For an item of this value I would prefer a money 
order and am willing to negotiate based on that. Thanks.

Yuuki Nakayachi
Albuquerque, NM 87102

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