I recently picked up this Mac Plus but really have no room for it and
id like to see it go to a good home where it can be appreciated.

Macintosh Plus
30MB External SCSI Hard Drive
Kensington SystemSaver
Boots to a clean system 7.01 Installation
Original Keyboard and Mouse
Original Packaging for the SystemSaver and Mac Plus
Apple Personal LaserWriter-  Including Original Packaging.
LaserWriter works great.

Im asking 125 dollars plus shipping for this package  I have a Dayna
Serial-Ethernet Adapter I will throw in if you purchase this Mac
Plus.  Itll let you connect it to an ethernet network.
Pictures Available upon request

eBay Feedback:cindy012365 +14 %100 Positive
PayPal Preferred

Cindy Fejedelem
Montrose MI 48457

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