I have the following software for sale:

   - *Apple Remote Desktop 3*—In box, with DVD, serial number card, EULA 
   book. The box is in rough shape. But, this is essentially the same version 
   you can get in the App Store for $80! Up to 10 managed systems allowed 
   under this license. I'm asking $35, plus $4 shipping/handling.
   - *Adobe Acrobat 5.0*—in box, including CD and quick-start guide. This 
   was a PowerPC-compatible version, requiring Mac OS 8.6, 9.0.4, or 9.1 with 
   minimum 32MB of RAM and at least 105MB of HD space. I will provide an 
   affidavit of transfer of license to the buyer. (This software *should* 
   qualify the new owner for upgrade pricing.) Asking $20 or best offer, plus 
   $4 shipping/handling.
   - *Microsoft Office 98 for Mac*—CD + serial number/CD key only. This is 
   a full install version, and it is labeled, "Not for retail or OEM 
   distribution." I'm asking $10, plus $4 shipping/handling.
   - i*Work '08 Family Pack*—in box, with DVD, serial number card, 
   install/Getting Started guides, the works (sorry about the pun). The 
   packaging is in great shape, even. Asking $20, plus $3.50 shipping/handling.
   - *iWork '06*—install DVD, Getting Started guides, and serial number 
   card. (No box.) This was "version 2" of iWork. Asking $10, plus $3 for 
   - *iWork '05*—the original iWork! DVD, serial number card/install guide 
   included (no box). I'll also throw in the "trial version" of iWork '05 with 
   this. Asking $5, plus $3 shipping/handling.
   - *iLife '05*—2 install DVDs only; includes iPhoto 5, iMovie HD, iDVD 5, 
   GarageBand 2, and iTunes 4.7. Asking $5, plus $3 shipping/handling.
   - *Quicken for Mac 2005*—CD (or it may be a DVD) only. Compatible with 
   Mac OS 10.2.8 and 10.3.4. Asking $5 plus $2.50 shipping/handling. (NOTE: I 
   actually have TWO of these, so I'll sell both for the same thing.)
   - *Symantic C++ for Macintosh, v.6.0*—Floppies only. This was the 
   descendent of Think C (and I'll actually throw in the floppy for "Thin C" 
   which was the companion disk for a tutorial called "Learn C on the 
   Macintosh"). I don't know if this is worth the cost of shipping, but I'll 
   sell it/give it to whoever will pay me $3 for postage.

*ALSO*, so Mac system stuff: these are all install/restore discs and sets, 
and I'm not asking for anything but postage for them. The dollar figures 
listed are what I need to ship them to you.

   - *PowerBook G4 17-inch install/restore disc*—Mac OS 10.2.4. $2.50
   - *MacBook restore discs (2 discs)*—Mac OS 10.4.6. $3.00
   - *eMac restore disc set (3 discs)*—in original envelope, Mac OS 10.3.2. 
   - *eMac restore disc set (8 discs!)*—in original envelope. OS version 
   not listed; discs all say, "Mac OS X applications; Classic support." These 
   are a 2004 vintage. $6.00.
   - *Macintosh PowerBook System Software disc—*"for PowerBooks 
   5300/2300/190 and PowerPC hardware upgrades". This is classic stuff from 
   1996! The disc itself is decorated in a way that a collector would want 
   to frame and display. Software is Mac OS System 7.5.2. $2.50
   - *Two random, unidentifiable install discs*—NOT a set, but three 
   separate "occasions." I don't know if they are of any use at all! One of 
   them says "For Mac Computers, Mac OS Install Disc 1" and has OS X 10.4.8 on 
   it from 2007; the other says, "Mac OS X Install Disc 2" and is from 2006. 

Feel free to e-mail me for questions. Sold to the first person to complete 
payment via Paypal to this e-mail address: ed.euba...@gmail.com. Shipping 
will be via USPS, first class or priority, within 2 business days.

These are being sold by:
Ed Eubanks
Oro Valley, AZ 85755

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