Hi Swappers:

I have for sale the following Mac OS9 and OS X software on the  
original OEM CD's:
All CD prices include shipping. Will be shipped via USPS/Media Mail.
USA sales only. Payment via PayPal only.
For two or more CD items, deduct $1.00 from the cost of each  
'additional' item.
If you want all of the CD's, I'll take $25.00/shipped.

2002 Quicksilver software restore CD set:
Software restore CDs, disks 1-5 (OS X 10.1.3)
Applications CD
All 6 disks for $12.00
OS X Developer Tools CD (OS X 10.2 or later)
OS 9.2.1 install CD
G4 Digital Audio software restore CD set:
Software restore CD (OS 9.0.2)
Software install CD
Both CDs for $8.00
Toast 5 Titanium CD with instruction book
and license codes.
Norton System Works
(OS 9 or earlier, not for OS X!!)
Troubleshooting, Maintaining & Repairing Macs
(OS 9 or earlier )
This CD has several diagnostic utilities for Macs.
IPOD mobile accessory:

Vector iMobile Ipod FM transmitter and charger (model VEC431).

The unit is mounted on a neat flexible stock about a foot long.
Your Ipod plugs into the top of the unit via it's dock connector.
The bottom end of the flexible stock has a neat mount that fits
snugly into your cars cup holder.

The device has a built in LCD frequency readout with a back light for
easy viewing. The controls are on the front of the unit for easy
tuning to an unused spot on your FM radio.

The nice thing about this particular unit is it should work with any  
Ipod that
has a dock connector. The device 'does not' use the Ipod for FM tuning
or frequency readout, unlike some other FM devices out there.
I used it with my 3rd Gen Nano with excellent results.

Included is the 12 volt lighter plug and an external plug in antenna  
wire to
help increase the range if necessary.

The device is working perfectly, with some light scratches, and very
light discoloration of the white case. Nothing really detracting from  
overall looks and perfect operation.

I don't have the box or instruction manual, but it is very easy to  
out how to use.

I'll take $25.00/shipped via USPS/Parcel Post. PayPal only.

My mailing address is in Sherman, Texas, 75090.

You can also verify me on Ebay, my ID is dlevstik

Thanks for looking!

Don Levstik

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