Hi Swappers,

I've got another MacBook for grabs, this one is a Mid 2007 model in white 
(Macbook2,1/A1181/EMC 2139). All hardware works 100%.

Condition: good condition, some light scratching on lid and bottom case. 
Slight chipping on right palmrest edge (as is common with these models). 
Screen is bright and has some small/light keyboard marks.

* 2.0 GHz Core 2 Duo
* 2 GB DDR2 PC2-5300, 667 MHz memory
* 250 GB, 5400 RPM hard drive (newly installed)
* Intel GMA 950 graphics, 64 MB VRAM
* SuperDrive, Airport Extreme, Bluetooth, FireWire, USB2

*Comes with brand new battery &* a brand new 60W MagSafe charger is 
included (L-shaped connector).

$110 plus actual shipping in CONUS. PayPal preferred.

Christian Sagardia
Dayton, OH 45458

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