Greetings all,

I've been waffling on whether or not to sell my well-loved MacBook Pro, but 
a new MBP 15" from work has pushed me to decide to downsize to a 11" or 13" 
MBA as my personal/travel laptop.

This is an interesting beast.

The good:
* A 120GB Patriot Pyro SSD! With the SSD in place, it does fairly well live 
up to the promise of feeling like a new machine. Start up is quicker, but 
it is the application launches and navigation of the UI that have really 
impressed. To read more about it, go to:
Note that I will be 'downgrade' this to an upgraded 320GB 5400RPM hard 
* 4GB of RAM

The bad:
* I would describe the aesthetic condition as fair. It suffered a drop 
years ago, slightly crinkling one corner. The right side of the case now 
has significant give and slight, ~1mm separation in a couple of spots. Note 
that this does NOT affect the functionality of any component. The screen, 
DVD drive, ports, etc. all work perfectly fine.

* MacBook Pro A1226 / MacBookPro3,1
* 15" 1440x900 resolution screen
* 2.2GHz T7500 C2D Santa Rosa
* GeForce 8600M GT video card w/ 128MB VRAM
* 8X DL "SuperDrive"
* 802.11n wireless
* 1 DVI, 2 USB 2.0, 1 FW800, 1 FW400, 1 S-Video out, digital audio in/out 
* Bluetooth
* 10/100/1000 Ethernet
* ExpressCard/34 slot
* Non-OEM battery that holds 1.5-2 hours
* 85W AC adapter

To read more, go to:

$495 + shipping OBO. I will accept verified + non-credit card PayPal or 
USPS money order. I've got 100% positive feedback on eBay as 

Bernard Grunow 
Detroit, MI 48219

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