I have a Macintosh Color Classic that contains a Sonnet Presto Plus 
accelerator card which includes a 10Base-T ethernet port.  The Sonnet 
Presto Plus is a 68040 33Mhz upgrade which also adds an additional 32MB of 
RAM to the Color Classic.  The Presto Plus also enables the Color Classic 
to run OS 8.x.

The Color Classic has 42MB of RAM (10MB on the motherboard and 32MB on the 
Presto Plus).  Overall the Color Classic is in very nice condition minus a 
crack in the front plate towards the lower right hand corner (I will supply 
pictures of the unit if requested) which happened when the original owner 
didn't package it too well.  It has a 80MB hard drive, and is currently 
running a clean install of Mac OS 8.1.  The screen does have a magenta hue 
which I am told most likely means that the green needs to be turned up. 
 There is a service manual around which explains how to tweak the screen, 
but I am not brave enough to do so though I am told it is very simple.

You will receive the following items in the package:

Apple Macintosh Color Classic
Sonnet Presto Plus card with 32MB RAM and a backup of the original 
installation disk
Apple Adjustable Keyboard (without numeric keypad option)
Apple Desktop Bus Mouse

I would like to get $350 plus shipping from Saint Louis MO (63104) to 
anywhere in the continental United States.  Local pickup is also available.

Jesse Rehmer

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