Apple Part # 922-0406 Bottom Case - In original Service Box
My research for the Mac IIvx, IIvi, Perfoma 600, Centris 650, Quadra 650 - $20.00

Apple Part # 922-0888 Internal Chassis Quadra 800, 840v, 8100
In Service Box- $20.00

Macintosh Quadra 700 reset interrupt switch - $7.00
Mac SE and SE/30 reset interrupt switch- $10.00

Radius HPV slot video cards for 6100, 7100, 8100- $5.00

Radius PCI Video cards- $5.00
Apple M0329 Thin Ethernet Coax Transceivers-$1.00


I have several of each part ..

Mac IIsi Fan Assembly Apple 815-6245 - 2.50 ea

Mac IIci, IIcx, 700 Speaker Assembly #815-6031- 2.50 ea
Mac II, IIx, IIfx reset/interrupt switch #815-6024- 2.00 ea
Mac IIci, IIcx reset/interrupt switch - 2.00 ea

some other stuff ...
internal 50-pin ribbons, single device - .50 ea
internal MoBo power supply plug from IIci's I believe- .75 ea

Apple pro Keyboard and Pro Mouse. Black & Clear - $10.00

Plus shipping from
Whitney, Tx 76692

Rob Spivey
"I have seen the evils of procrastination, and I vow to change my ways tomorrow."

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