1) Full-install CD for OS 9.2.1. I will include a CD-R with the 9.2.2 
updater and OS 9 Helper (to install OS 9 on not-officially-supported 
Macs. $50 plus shipping.

2) Stuffit Deluxe 4.5. Includes CD, original box, manual, quick-start 
guide and serial number. I will include a CD-R with the "StuffIt 
Deluxe 4.5 Update 1." Box lists system requirements as System 7.1.1 
or higher or OS 8 (but will run under OS 9.x), 4 MB RAM, Mac Plus or 
better. $15 plus shipping.

3) TechTool 3.0.2. CD only, with serial number. I will include a CD-R 
with version 3.0.9 (free upgrade from 3.0.2) already installed. 
Requires System 7.5.5 or higher. $20 plus shipping.

I am in Philadelphia, Pa., USA (zip code 19143).

Thank you.
D.F. Manno
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane." - Jimmy Buffett

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