- Price INCLUDES shipping within the U.S.
- PayPal preferred; USPS Money Order also accepted; no other forms of  
- Matt Ruben, Phila PA 19123; PayPal verified; +342 on eBay as  
"mattruben"; long-time LEM Swapper

ITEM FOR SALE: Mac OS X 10.4.10 install discs for Intel iMac: $16  

Never used, excellent condition. These are grey colored, machine- 
specific discs:

(1) "iMac Mac OS X Install Disc 1" 10.4.10, Apple Hardware Test  
version 3A127 / "iMac Media"

(2) "Mac OS X Install Disc 2" / "Common Media"

This came with a 2007 24" Aluminum iMac Core 2 Duo computer. Also  
compatible with other 2007 Aluminum iMacs. Compatibility with "white"  
Intel-based iMacs is also very likely, but cannot be guaranteed.  
Compatibility with current/2008 iMacs and other Intel-based Macs is  

Price includes free shipping within the U.S.

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