I've got an unneeded DVD of MS Office 2011 for Mac, Home and Business Edition 
(1 user, 1 mac).  Includes the original retail packaging (black box, disc 
sleeve, and the "Getting Started guide") and the disc in great condition.   
This is the version that includes Word, Power Point, Excel and Outlook.  This 
software was previously used, but has been uninstalled and is no longer in use.

I'd like $90, including USPS shipping anywhere in the lower 48 states, for the 
software.  As always, feel free to make me an offer if you don't feel the price 
is fair.

I accept paypal, Google Checkout, Amazon payments, check/M.O.  Item will ship 
securely upon receipt of cleared payment.  Email me at clayshowal...@gmail.com 
to express interest.  I reserve the right to sell the software to the first 
person who expresses interest and can follow through with payment, even if that 
person is not necessarily the first to contact me.


Clay Showalter
Harrisonburg, VA  22802
ebay id - tonomud

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