I have the following items for sale All prices negotiable.If a price
is too high, make me an offer and if it at least pays shipping I'll
consider it.Will discount shipping if buying more then one item.
   1x matched set.1GB of pc100 memory DIMMs.(2x512mb) $14.50 shipped
   1x Infineon 256MB  PC133 cl3  $10.00 shipped
   1x Patriot 512MB PC3200 cl2.5  $12.00 shipped

I also have 2 Lombard's for sale for parts or to fix up.Both have
working keyboards with 2-3 keys missing but will include the
replacements that came with the laptops.Have one ac adapter that will
go with first buyer that wants it.Will sell both with the adapter for

The best of the two has a 333mhz processor/256mb of ram.It will boot
up to a folder with a question mark.It will boot up and run from CD
but won't boot with any of the hard drives i have tried.Might be an
easy fix.I don't know.The display,keyboard,track-pad,usb all work and
i know it will charge a battery when you put one in.No battery or
drives but hard drive cable and holder is included..asking $25.00

Lombard #2 is in unknown condition.I got it along with the Lombard
above has a 400mhz processor (i tried it in another Lombard and worked
fine) It has the DVD decoder chip on the motherboard.When plugged in
to an ac adapter the green light comes on fans spin up for a second
and then nothing.Case is in good shape and i know the
processor,track-pad,and LCD inverter work.No screen though.No
battery,screen,or drives but hard drive cable and holder is
included.asking $15.00 shipped

All items will ship from :
Steve Luby

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