I have a fully functional G5 Quad for sale.

4 x 2.5ghz PowerPC 970mp processors
Liquid cooling system
2 gigs DDR2 Ram
250 Gb hard drive
Nvidia GeForce 6600 with dual DVI
Power cord

I'd prefer to ship without KB and mouse to keep shipping weight down. But I 
will throw in a newertech 802.11n/g/b USB wifi adapter to compensate.

Unit thoroughly tested and in perfect working condition. A few minor scuffs, 
but no dents, legs in great condition.

This is the fastest PowerPC Mac ever made.  If you are looking for the fastest 
non-intel system, this is it.

It is capable of running 10.4 Tiger+OS9 classic and 10.5 Leopard. Will NOT run 
Snow Leopard or Tiger.  As per list rules, hard drive will be wiped.

Its liquid cooling system is the preferred single pump model and was part of 
the last production run in August/September 2006 based on its serial number. 
Serial number available upon request. CPU temps stay below 75 degrees and the 
unit is rock solid stable, even when stressed.  I am not exaggerating when I 
say that it easily keeps up with my 2008 2.6ghz Penryn MacBook Pro.  Plays 
1080p HD video without a hiccup.

$475.00 + Actual shipping from 18966.
No charge for local pickup.

Dave Curry
Holland, PA   18966

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