This is a fully functional US English keyboard for the PowerBook G4 15" 
Titanium DVI model. It's compatible with model A1001 or A1025 / 667, 800, 867, 
or 1.0 GHz G4 processor.

Keyboard is in good overall cosmetic condition, showing little wear and tear, 
and has been tested to work perfectly (in an iBook G4). Yes, the white iBooks 
do indeed have the same logic board keyboard connector and this Titanium 
keyboard does work with it. However, to actually install this keyboard in a 
white iBook you'd have to snip a few of this keyboard's metal tabs (just in 
case you were wondering). Doing so would make your white iBook look pretty 
cool, I think!

Asking $10 shipped anywhere in the US. PayPal preferred. Can provide pics upon 
request. Please contact me with any questions. Thanks!

Will Wallak
Camillus, NY 13031

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