For sale is my Pismo Powerbook G3 outfit. This unit is a bargain. This
model of Powerbook still goes for over $300 used at WegenerMedia with
far fewer amenities, and all the upgrades you could want are included
with this one in particular.

It is a great, stable machine that I have used for the past few months
in the absence of my Macbok. I set this up as a field computer for
maximum battery time. The CompactFlash boot disk really saves battery
juice. On the 2 included replacement batteries I am able to get over 8
hours of use away from a wall plug. Pismo G3s have proven to be among
Apple's most stable and rugged laptops. With the new replacement AC
adapter I have included, there is no

14 Inch screen in excellent conditon
500 MHz G3 Processor
16 GB SanDisk CompactFlash Hard drive with OS 10.3.9 loaded (IDE to
CompactFlash adaptor) Fits in the hard drive slot
2x New batteries (last 4 hrs each)
New 3rd party AC Adapter
Expansion bay CDRW/ DVD-ROM combo drive from WegenerMedia
1 Gigabyte RAM (Real world maximum for this model)
1 VST expansion bay Zip 100 drive
Airport card installed
Bluetooth adapter for USB port
Puck Mouse
Mac OS 10.3 retail license + CD

As with most all Pismo Powerbook G3's there are faint keyboard marks
on the screen and several scuffs on the outside of the unit.

Tim Chorzempa
Temperance MI 48182

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