Roxio Toast Titanium 8
User guide, disc in paper sleeve, CD key.

System requirements:
* PowerPC G4, G5, or Intel Core processor. G5 processor recommended
for viewing DivX files on your Mac.
* Mac OS X v10.4.8 or later.
* 150 MB of free disk space to install.
* Up to 15 GB of temporary free disk space for audio and video
* QuickTime 7 or higher.
* The latest versions of iTunes, iPhoto and iMovie are recommended.

Asking $30 + shipping

Roxio Toast Titanium 9
User guide, disc in paper sleeve, CD key.
System requirements:
* Macintosh computer with a PowerPC™ G4, PowerPC G5, or Intel®
processor. PowerPC G5 or Intel processor required for encoding and
viewing high definition content
* CD, DVD, Blu-ray, or HD DVD recordable drive
* Mac OS X v10.4.x and Mac OS X v10.5.x
* 600 MB of free disk space to install
* Up to 15 GB of temporary free disk space during usage
* Additional space may be required when working with high definition
* QuickTime 7.x
* Internet connection required for some functionality

Asking $50 + shipping

PayPal or cash.

David Garton
Alburtis, PA 18011

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