FS: Various Mac SCSI CD Drives Apple Labeled - Flushing, NY 11367
Okay, I've got four unknown condition Mac SCSI CD Drives Apple Labeled that
I'm looking to get rid of for $2/each plus shipping via USPS Priority Mail
to the Continental US. To my knowledge these were working pulls back then
and should work but I can't guarantee them at this price. If you like local
pickup is also possible.

Apple CD 300i Plus - Firmware 1993 - Manufactured July 1995
Apple CD 300i Plus - Firmware 1993 - Manufactured December 19954
Apple CD 300 Plus - Firmware 1993 - Manufactured February 1994
Apple CD 600i - Firmware 1995 - Manufactured September 1995

If no responses these will be thrown in the trash on the following trash day
next Monday Evening 3/15 :(
eBay ID 0sonny
Payments received via PayPal Free which means only Bank Funded or Current
Funds in your account.
No Credit or Debit card funded PayPal as they incur fees.

Additional items will be listed as I find more time to list stuff.1
God bless,

Sonny Hung
the Hung Family

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