Presented for your consideration; a pair of Pismoes (Pismi?):

        #1 Very nice!
        400 MHz
        512 Mb RM
        40 Gb HDD
        Airport card
        Good battery (1 hr. or more)
        DVD-ROM drive
        AC Adapter

The condition of this one is quite good, with no scratches, only minor scuffing on the rubber part of the top, and a tiny crack between the latch and clicker. The space bar has a small shiny spot from wear. Display is clear and bright. 1 foot is gone, but the back door and IR lens are intact. I'd give it 8.5 out of 10.
        $90 includes postage in US, PayPal preferred.

        #2 Pretty good..
        400 MHz
        256 Mb RAM
        6 Gb HDD
        2 working but marginal batteries (maybe 20 min. total)
        CD-ROM drive
        AC Adapter

This one is more of a high-mileage special, with evidence of wear. Display has a long but shallow scratch that is only visible when the light is at the right angle. It doesn't really show when you're using it. The back door and IR lens are both there, but all the feet are missing. I'd give this one a 5, average for its age.
        $60 includes postage in US, PayPal preferred.

Thank you for your time,
V Mabus
Salida CO 81201

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