I bought this early model Bondi Blue iMac on the side of the road about ten
years ago, but when I moved houses the next year it ended up in storage
with dozens of other vintage Macs. I've finally started sorting through the
collection again, and to my dismay, it now apparently has a bad flyback
transformer (trips the internal safety cutoff just after the startup
chimes). The system will turn on and attempt to boot when connected to an
external monitor so the system board should be fine. (I say attempt because
it seems the HD isn't recognized properly or is failing as well.) Both
SO-DIMM slots are filled, but I don't know what size.

So, I'm willing to ship the logic board/tray/etc for this 233 RevB board
(6MB Rage Pro graphics) if someone wants it. I'll include the installed RAM
as a bonus mystery prize. $25 + shipping, or best offer.

Or is there anyone locally who is crazy enough to want to pick up the
entire thing and try to repair it?

Justin Pope
Tucson, AZ 85757

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