Hey now swappers,

Yeah, here's another project that I just can't find the time for anymore. This 
is a 400MHz slot-loading "fruit" iMac that's in good, clean cosmetic condition 
with a logic board upgrade gone bad and a few missing parts. Here's the deal…

Over a year ago I installed an iMac 600MHz logic board/down converter (I think 
it came with the LB?) upgrade in this grapie and it worked great. Only weird 
thing was the "on" button glowed amber and not green when running. Forgot to 
move the iMac's internal-frame-mounted processor heatsink to match its location 
on the 600MHz logic board and it just abruptly shut down while using it one 
day. Thought maybe it overheated and auto-shutdown but it has never come back 
on since. And, I even relocated the heatsink in the meantime! Logic board does 
receive power and CRT does make the turn-on "popping" noise, but there's no 
chime, no screen image. It won't even beep without RAM installed.

I did some basic logic board voltage testing (trickle power, down converter on, 
J7 connector), and didn't get anything for down converter on test, so that may 
be it. I wasn't motivated to further disassemble it and test the power/analog 
board fuse, so that may be it, too.

Anyway, it's missing: hard drive, RAM, airport card/caddy (never had it 
installed). Has a good PRAM batt, though! Tested 3.4-3.5 volts. Asking $5 plus 
actual shipping from 13031. Paypal preferred. Can send pics on request. Let me 
know if you have any questions. Thanks!

Will Wallak
Camillus, NY 13031

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