I just got this iPod along with some other gear, and I have no use for it. It’s 
one of the 4th generation white models with click wheel. Here’s some good info 
about it: 

A couple of notes about condition:
-It has a name engraved on the back of the case. I will not share the name 
publicly for privacy concerns (it’s nothing offensive, just someone’s name that 
I know), but if it affects whether you’ll purchase it, email me and I will send 
it to you. This could likely be sanded/buffed out if you want.
-I assume the battery is likely no good anymore, because I can’t get it to 
charge. However, when I put it in a Bose dock, it will boot up normally and 
play music. Not sure what the deal is exactly.
-Not sure if it’s related to the battery or not, but when I plug it into the 
computer, it won’t fully start up or show up in iTunes. It kind of gets stuck 
in a startup loop where the apple logo will show on screen, I’ll hear drive 
activity, and then it will click off and start up again. Again, not sure 
whether it’s battery or drive or something else. I don’t have the time to check 
it out.

I did mod one of this generation to work with a compact flash card instead of 
the normal hard drive. It worked great, but then eventually sold it when i got 
a newer iPod. Perhaps such a mod would work for someone on this one.

I’d like $25 shipped for this, anywhere in the lower 48.

I accept paypal, Google Checkout, Amazon payments, check/M.O., etc. Items will 
ship upon receipt of cleared payment.

Email me at clayshowal...@gmail.com <mailto:clayshowal...@gmail.com> to express 
interest. I reserve the right to sell it to the first person that can follow 
through with completing payment, even if they are not necessarily the first to 
respond to my post. 


Clay Showalter
clayshowal...@gmail.com <mailto:clayshowal...@gmail.com>
Harrisonburg, VA 22802

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