
I used to fix up ibook G3 / G4 laptops and I've got a couple boxes of
parts that might be useful to you. I'm looking at $200 or best offer
for the lot. The screens alone can get pretty expensive to replace.

I just don't have time for fixing them any more.

1 x ibook g3 500 MHz 640 MB RAM. Needs new hard drive and keyboard

( 4 )  12" iBook G3 / G4 12" screens
( 4 )  12" iBook G3 / G4 14" screens
(9)  12" book G4 trackpad assemblies / palmrests
(9  12" ibook G4 case bottoms
(2) 14" ibook G4 trackpad assemblies / palmrests
(2) 14" ibook G4 case bottoms
(5) 12" ibook G4 screen bezels
(1)  14" ibook G3  screen bezel

icebook g3 tray load cd-rom
icebook g3 tray load cd-rom
icebook g3 tray load cd-rom
icebook g4 slot load combo drive
icebook g4 slot load combo drive
icebook g4 slot load combo drive
icebook g4 slot load cd-rom drive
blueberry ibook optical drive-  needs bezel

small baggie of hard drive / optical drive ribbons
5 ibook g3/g4 inverters
small bag of various ibook keys

2 ibook g4 12" keyboards

Bag of G3 / G4 ibook heat shields
small baggie of hard drive / optical drive ribbon cables
large baggie of heat sinks, bezel pieces etc

small baggie of ibook g3 / g4 keyboard keys
small baggie of ibook g3 / g4 video  ribbon cables
small baggie of ibook g3 / g4 DC jacks

Tim Chorzempa
Adrian MI 49221

Willing to meet or deliver in Southwest Michigan and Northwestern
ohio. (Ann arbor, Jackson, Adrian, Monroe, Temperance, Downriver,
Toledo and surrounding areas.

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