For Sale, one lot of iBook parts.   I have been repairing iBooks for a while, 
and its time to move on.  So, I am cleaning out the last of what I have left 
for parts.  One or two boxes, with the following types of items:

case tops and bottoms (mostly G3, 12", but some G3 and G4)
speaker-power button assemblies for G3/12"
a couple of CD-ROMs for G3
HD brackets for G3/12"
IDE cables for G3/12"
RAM covers G4
heat sinks G3
modems G3 and G4
G3 and G4 foils, top and bottom
lots of screws, somewhat sorted into 2 plastic hobby boxes
lots of misc fittings, like I/O port covers
a few dead batteries
several G4 frames
5x12" LCD, 1x14LCD (these should all be good, although they may need new 
interters or cable harness)
inverters ? lots.
G3 keyboards (most for parts)
various small G3 RAM sticks

this and that, that and this.  I can throw in some non, or semi-working 

How about $20+ shipping, OBO.

Tom Peters
3702 El Cordero Ranch Springs Rd.
Martinez, GA

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