For sale… two hard drives!

one Samsung HD501LJ Hard Drive, 500 GB, 7200 rpm, 3 Gbps SATA

one Maxtor MaXLine Pro 500 Hard Drive, model 7H500F0, 500 GB, 7200 rpm, 3 Gbps 

These drives have been “lightly” used over the past few years, as part of a 
monthly ccc backup of my tv show stash.  They have been freshly erased with 
Disk Utility, plus I ran my own write/read test — no bad blocks were found.

How ‘bout $30 each, OBO, including shipping to a US address?

I prefer PayPal, but in a pinch I can accept checks or money-orders.  My PayPal 
id is the same as my email address.  Everything I sell is tested/working unless 
marked "as-is".  If anything is amiss, please let me know as soon as possible.  
If I cannot replace a broken item, I’ll refund your quatloos.

- Dan Cottler (Maple Shade, NJ 08052)

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