Clearing out my ppc Mac equipment and was wondering if anyone is interested in :

1. G4/450 Cube, stock video, 20Gb HD, 1.5 gigs of ram, and ADC->VGA cable. $75 
+ shipping. 

2. TiBook 500 with 4Gb HD, 1 gig of ram, original airport card, with minor case 
blemishes from age. Screen is beautiful, regular DVD-Rom drive.  $100 + shipping

3. PowerBook 100 with various scsi cables and the like. Can get exact specs if 
needed. Includes charger, works fine. $50 + shipping

4. iPhone 3GS 16gb with some sort of battery issue since upgrading to OS 4. 
Will randomly shut off and only turn back on when plugged into a charger. 
Worked fine with OS 3, don't have the time to tinker anymore. $125 + shipping. 

All drives / etc will be wiped to stock per list rules. 

Will consider best offers individually or for everything. 

Chris Cushinery
Milwaukee, WI

Sent from my iPhone

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