Hi Swappers

I have a well used PowerBook G4 15" 1.5 GHz Model A1095 with a SuperDrive
and Airport Extreme.

It has been upgraded to 2 GB RAM and a 100 GB Seagate Hard Drive.
All the keys work, as well as the keyboard backlighting and the screen
The aluminum does have wear marks on the top and bottom of the case.
It has the original shipping box with the video adapter and documentation
but no Panther OS disks.  I installed 10.4 to check for functionality but
will wipe it before shipping.

Now the bad, while watching a movie, the dog got tangled up in the power
cord and pulled the machine off the table and onto the floor.  It hit on the
power socket part of the case, splitting the power adapter jack.  Since this
event, it won't work without being plugged into the wall, making this
portable a desktop.  The battery charges but the laptop will not run without
being plugged into the wall.  I can provide pictures of the jack and laptop
running, upon request.

I would like to get $100 for it plus shipping but am open to offers.  I can
receive PayPal, checks are fine but will have to clear before I ship.

John Beal
1943 NW 22nd Street
Redmond, OR 97756

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