
        I've got a 15" PowerBook G4 1.5 ghz for sale. It's from my personal 
collection. Below are the specs.
It's the 1.5/1.33 model released 19 April 2004. It comes with a parts unit that 
has a cracked screen and is missing a top case, airport card, hard drive, and 

        15" PowerBook G4 15" 
        1.5 ghz PowerPC G4
        768 mb of RAM (1x 256mb, 1x 512mb) - takes PC2700 so-dimms, will go to 
        64mb ATI Radeon Mobility 9700 - has both DVI and S-video out - a 
feature I miss having on the MBP's
        60gb Hard Drive
        4x SuperDrive
        Backlit keyboard
        Good battery (holds at least 30 min of charge - may hold more, but I 
will make no promises)
        65w power adapter that's a little goofy - it works, but you have to 
wiggle the wire where it comes from the adapter.

        The parts unit is also a 15" 1.5 ghz, but with 128mb of Video memory. I 
do not know if it works, but the top case, hard drive, memory, and air port 
card. The board *may* be good, I never bothered to try it out. You may be able 
to swap boards (not hard) and get better video performance - but I never 
bothered - for my purposes - it was fine as is. (my daily machine is a the 
final rev of the original form factor MacBook Pro - I love the Aluminum 
PowerBook G4 form factor - not a fan of the unibodies with the chicklet 

        Great computer, runs great, does everything you would expect from an 
older G4 class machine. Classic runs great on it under 10.4. If you need a 
second machine for PowerPC software with the impending release of 10.7 - this 
is a good, usable laptop for your needs. 
        Back in 05-06, I ran one of these, best computer I ever had. Came 
across this one sans memory and hard drive - so I took some spares from my desk 
drawer and got it going. I put it together as a memento of those heady pre 
Intel days.

        I'm asking $220 shipped for it via UPS Ground insured for $300. 
Mac2sell shows it as being worth $280 - so I'll insure it to going value plus 
$20 for shipping. Not counting the value of the parts unit - because only 
people on craigslist and ebay will charge $$$ for one of those. Local pickup is 
available in the greater Pittsburgh region.

Ian R. Campbell
Monroeville, PA 15146

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