#1.  Have a 60GB 7200RPM drive in a full-size case, has worked rather well for 
storing my DV files while importing/working in iMovie.
Case has internal power supply, front on/off switch, fan and two FireWire 400 
ports. Uses a standard 3-prong computer power cord.
How about $24 shipped in continental USA from SoCal 91711?
(10.70 of that is the shipping via USPS)

#2.  Here's a BTC 5232IM 52/32/52 CD/RW drive in a full-size case, Disk Utility 
shows as unsupported but I just erased and burned a disc from Finder on a 
MacBook Pro. I also successfully burned one from iTunes so DU is wrong.
Case has internal power supply, front on/off switch, fan and two FireWire 400 
ports. Uses a standard 3-prong computer power cord. Also has RCA audio jacks in 
the back.
How about $22 shipped in continental USA?

#3.  This is a 160GB 5400RPM hard drive in a slim case, comes with external 
power supply and unique cable. Like all FW devices, it just works. Great for 
storage, but it's not fast enough to funnel a DV camcorder through to iMovie.
How about $25 shipped in continental USA?
(10.70 of that is the shipping via USPS)

#4.  For PowerBook users, I have a IBM FireWire CardBus card, with two long 
cables: 6-pin and 4-pin. If you happen to be using the original Titanium model 
like I have, using this card is about 25% faster than the internal FW bus. It's 
flat, so works great for any two-slot PowerBook.
For this I'd like $15 shipped in continental USA.

#5.  Last, a 320GB SATA 3.5" hard drive. This was an Apple OEM for a 20" Intel 
iMac, so it's incredibly quiet.
Let's go with $15 shipped in continental USA.

All items are PayPal from funded account (no credit cards please) or check or 
Interesting trades considered, I would like to pick up a processor and some RAM 
for a PB1400.

Jeff Hubatka
Claremont  CA

"Ability will never catch up with the demand for it."
(Malcolm Forbes)

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