I've got a few extra laptops in my collection and I'm wondering if anyone
would want to trade for an iPad. Since this is a long shot I'll just give a
quick overview of each computer and if anyone is actually interested I can
give more information and pictures.

Ideally I'd like to trade any or all of the following for a
first-generation iPad, any model, capacity, and condition as long as it
works fine and isn't too beat up:

iBook G3: 12" 900mhz/128mb/30gb/Combo drive with working 1.5-2hr battery.
The last and fastest G3 Mac, and one of the last that could boot into OS 9.
Good condition.

PowerBook G4: 500mhz/128mb/40gb/DVD-ROM. Battery lasts 30 minutes to an
hour, this is a nice project computer that works fine as-is but could use
some minor work to make it perfect (missing some screws, needs new
speakers, etc)

iBook G3: Tangerine, 300mhz/32mb/20gb/CD-ROM. This is a parts computer with
a few problems (lots of case cracks, dead USB port, torn trackpad cable)
but the screen is beautiful and it has plenty of good donor parts left,
including possibly the logic board if you know how to fix the dead port.

Also, I might be willing to trade one of the following for a mint 64gb
wifi/3G iPad with the original box and (if possible) the original Apple

iBook G4: 14", 1.42ghz/1gb/40gb/SuperDrive/Bluetooth/AirPort Extreme. This
is the last and best iBook, it is in great condition and comes with the
original packaging, accessories, and disks.

PowerBook G4: 17" 1.33ghz/512mb/320gb/SuperDrive. This one has a few minor
issues (one loose key, dead-ish batteries, minimal RAM), but almost all
internal parts were professionally replaced in 2009-2010 and it has a
high-res 1680x1050 screen installed by Apple (truly one-of-a-kind).

Let me know if there is any interest, and if not I probably have a few
other things I could offer. Also, I'm only interested in a trade, I'm not
interested in buying anything (I already have an iPad 3, I'm just hoping to
find an older model to use exclusively for my video collection)

Thanks for looking,
Steven Fowler
eBay ID "obi1kenobi1" (100% positive)
Houston, TX 77083

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