For history buffs and/or folks running the really old stuff:

Inside the Apple Macintosh, by Jim Heid and Peter Norton, 1989.
   excellent shape except for slight wear at corners and edges, 624 pages

The Fully Powered Mac, by Robert Eckhardt, 1988.
   excellent shape except for slight wear at corners and edges, 579 pages
   I think I have the software that originally came with this but probably
   the original disks

The Waite Groups HyperTalk Bible, by Mitchell Wate, Stephen Prata, Ted
Jones, 1989.
   good shape but some discoloration on upper edges, not visible from pages,
   some bending but not wrinkles on front cover, 692 pages

The Complete HyperCard Handbook 2nd Ed., by Danny Goodman, 1988.
   fair shape, some relatively minor water damage on upper edges of some
   all pages easy to read, none stuck together, 875 pages

Free if you can pick up in the Pittsburgh PA area.
Otherwise, $15 packing/handling + shipping from 15146.
They weigh 10lbs, 9oz unpacked.

Pittsburgh 15145

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