2.3 ghz dual CPU
2 gigs ram, (4x512, 4 slots still free)
250gig hard drive
Radeon 9650 video
OS 10.4 with discs

passes memtest 10 pass test, Techtool Pro 4 (multiple passes) and 12 hr CPU
load at 100% on both CPU with normal temps.

Uptime of over 14 days.

Please don't email if you're not a serious buyer, don't know what it is or
if you really want it, etc. I get that a lot from the list, and craigslist.

This is one of the more desirable G5s. No water cooling problems since it's
air cooled, 8 slots for RAM, PCI-X etc.

Bluetooth Keyboard available for additional $40. (White Plastic Pro Style).

Buyer to pay Actual Shipping. Will take verified Paypal, bank funded
preferred, 3% upcharge for CC use.

Robert Bullock
Missouri City, TX 77459


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