Hello Swappers,

I've got a lot of Macintosh machines and monitors taking up space that
I'd like to sell.  I'm in St. Louis, MO 63109 and would prefer local
pickup but am not opposed to shipping if you pay the fees.  I'd really
prefer if someone takes a large chunk of the machines for a good price. 
Most of the Macs haven't been turned on so I am unsure of their working
condition.  Out of the machines that I did turn on (a few of the IIci's,
IIsi's, LCIII, Quadra's and PowerMacs) were working. 

At least one of the IIcx's needs a new power supply and I'm sure others
do since that is a common component that fails due to age and lack of
use.  They all need to be cleaned, but certainly no rats nests or
anything disgusting.  These machines have been in a clean, dry climate
controlled basement since I acquired them.  I had originally bought most
of this stuff in a large lot many years ago (for way too much money) and
meant to restore all of them, but lack of time and extra funds for parts
and just a general disinterest has lead me to selling the stash.

- Green eMac $30
- iMac with LCD (no power adapter) $50
- Macintosh IIcx (several available in varying configurations) $25
- Macintosh IIci (several available in varying configurations) $30
- Macintosh IIsi (2 available) $35
- Macintosh LC III $25
- Macintosh LC $25
- Macintosh PowerMac G3  $30
- Macintosh Quadra 650 $40
- Macintosh Quadra 950 running A/UX (some minor case damage as common
with these big 950s) $100
- Macintosh SE $20
- Macintosh Plus  $20
- Macintosh PowerMac 7100 $25
- Macintosh PowerMac 7200 $25
- Macintosh Performa 600 $25
- Apple External Hard Drive (SCSI Lacie style Apple-branded case with
4GB HD) $80
- NEC External CD-ROM drive (believe to be a 6x Multispin model) $20
- Several Apple branded monitors (12" High Resolution RGB, and the like)
$25 each
- Huge collection of software and clipart from early 90's (fills three
gallon sized ziploc bags) $40
- Adobe Photoshop 3.0 on HD Floppy (2 sets) $35 each
- Adobe Photoshop 4.0 on CD - $35
- Adobe Photoshop 2.0 with 2.5 update $50

Apple II Specific:
Apple IIgs without power supply (working condition otherwise) - $40
Apple 3.5" Drive in original box (2 of these) - $55 each
Apple 3.5" Drive - $35 each
Apple IIgs RGB Monitor - $40 each
Large stack of Apple II software, many many MECC disks, the rest is
mostly copies and blanks, probably over 100 5.25" disks - $50 (if you
just want the blank disks minus the MECC stuff $10)
Complete Apple IIe setup with color monitor, Super Serial Card, DuoDisk
with controller all in VERY nice condition $120

Jesse Rehmer

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