I have for sale older Mac cards. Shipping is included in the price. William Ove will be shipping these items via USPS from Saint Peter, Minnesota 56082.

Apple HPV PDS Video Card PowerPC 7100, 8100 and the Workgroup Server 8150 and 9150. This fits in a PDS slot. $10.00

Asante MacCon IIET NuBus ethernet card AUI and 10T ports.       $10.00

Kensington 8MB memory for PowerBook Duo $6.00

XLR8 ZIF carrier card for processor slot on PCI PowerMacs. Currently has 300MHz g3 ZIF installed. Has DIP switches to select processor and Bus speeds. $17.00

Apple 820-1107-A 400MHz G4 Processor with heat shield and clips $12.00

IXMicro TurboTV PCI card (Model 9608) Watch TV on your Mac Includes internal cables. $20.00

Payment via PayPal to <william...@hotmail.com> is preferred. Please email with questions or offers.

Thanks for looking and have a nice day.

\/\/i||i...@m ()\/e

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