Hello there:

I have a room full of Apple stuff I want to sell, but want to try in my
first post here not to be an overachiever, so...I want to sell:

USB Floppy Drive with original packaging with media, working with Tiger (Mac
OS X 10.4) $10.50 plus S&H

 Zip 750 drive,not sure about USB or Firewire, with 2 used discs 250
MB, and power cord/adapter: $15.00 plus S&H

1 SuperStack II Net Builder 3Com Router, part 3C8224C. Come with manuals and
media, original.

Can be combined, and I am open to deals. Only PayPal buyers, no MOs, checks
or any other form of payment.

Shipped by Soren Eineisen Schwarz, San Diego County, 92154

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