Anyone with an extra 733 MHz G4 processor from a Digital Audio G4
laying around?
Maybe you upgraded the processor, or the the machine died & the CPU
still works OK.
Perhaps a 667 MHz if no 733s are available.

Would also consider a dual 533 with heatsink.
This is for a student with a low budget - he has a 466 MHz and it's a
bit too slow.

I have some PC133 512MB DIMMs, Crucial branded, for swap. Want to work
out a deal.
Also have iPod parts (cases, hard drives, logic boards, screens) from
3G, 4G and even 1G nanos.

Other swaps to consider - these aren't for sale:

One size L American Apparel t-shirt from an Apple store employee.
"iPod shuffle" on the front, "Looking for something they'll actually
wear?" on the back. White ink on red cotton.

One size XL American Apparel t-shirt, another Apple retail 'uniform.'
"iPod nano" on the front, "1,000 songs. Impossibly small. iPod nano"
on the back. White ink on black cotton.

Drop me a message with what you've got.

Dave Garton
Alburtis PA 18011
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